Gamebreaker by

Gamebreaker by are disrupting the way we think about currencies. They are breaking the game by establishing crypto. In the same way they revolutionize the financial game, Ferrán Torres breaks the game on the football pitch. How? By being an outstanding youngster who does not seem to fit in the traditional understanding of […]
FedEx: Next In Line

FedEx: Next In Line OneFootball produced a whole content series for Champions League sponsor FedEx. Next In Line features the tournament’s stars of tomorrow. In very intimate settings we were able to get to know the personalities behind the stars. We interviewed them on their career path, what they stand for and what they hope […]
OneFootball x Voycenow

Voycenow x OneFootball Voycenow is a nonprofit foundation by Zack Steffen, former goalkeeper at Manchester City. It was founded as a reaction to the tragic death of George Floyd. The foundation fights for equality and provides support in the area of academics, sports and health to today’s youth. OneFootball created a collection of merchandise around […]
OneFootball x PSG

PSG Partnership Campaign In 2022 OneFootball officially partnered with Paris Saint-Germain to share original content from the world’s biggest football brand on its platform. The partnership gives OneFootball’s 100 million monthly users access to exclusive content from the Ligue 1 club. Distribution utilizes OneFootball’s network of over 110 premium publishers. The content appears in the […]
Samsung x Sektion Radioverbot

Samsung meets Sektion Radioverbot Samsung was on the mission to promote both their smart home solutions as well as their partnership with the DFB (German Football Association). They found their ideal partner in OneFootball. Or more precisely: in OneFootball’s bespoke vodcast Sektion Radioverbot. Patrick Owomoyela and Nico Heymer integrated the Samsung devices naturally into four […]
Volkswagen Trailblazers EURO 2022

Volkswagen Trailblazers EURO 2022 For the EURO 2022 Volkswagen made it their mission to raise awareness for the fact that „Women’s Football“ really is just „Football“. It’s the same sport with the same rules as for men. So why not lose the „Women’s“. OneFootball helped them produce content around the campaign hashtag #NOTWOMENSFOOTBALL. Over the […]
OneFootball Show

OneFootball Show The OneFootball Show is a weekly football show that is distributed via the OneFootball network. Concept and production are handled entirely in-house. The show features a great variety of prominent guests from the German speaking football scene. The show is hosted be Carolin Labes and features several formats within the show itself, such […]
Heineken presents Späti Schnack

Heineken presents Späti Schnack OneFootball and Heineken partnered up to bring football back to its core – honest, down-to-earth football discussions with a twinkle in the eye. In a typical Berlin Späti. The perfect setting for a talk about any random topic surrounding the beautiful game. The bi-weekly video-on-demand series is shot at an actual […]
Daily News

Daily News For many years the Daily News were the heart and soul not only of the OneFootball YouTube channel, but also as a content provider for the OneFootball app. Led by the three hosts Nico, Niklas and Christoph we informed our audience every weekday about what was going on in the world of football. […]
DVAG presents Be The Coach

DVAG presents Be The Coach OneFootball partnered up with DVAG to leverage their ownership of coaching as key topic of their campaigns. Be The Coach was built from scratch to secure both an organic branding as well as deep-dive tactical content that the OneFootball audience would enjoy. The weekly format follows the key idea that […]